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International Pageant

August 1st and August 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Teens ®

Miss Teen South Carolina International®

Morgan Bacon - Top 10

People's Choice Award

1.What is the funniest thing you remember as a child?
1. At age 9, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes the white blood cells to attack the thyroid. I was very fortunate to have been placed with doctor’s that knew how to handle my situation. It took some time, but the team at Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital was able to get my thyroid levels back in balance. To this day, I still have to visit my doctor for routine checkups.

2.What is the one piece of clothing you wish you owned?
2. I am a recent graduate of Brookland-Cayce High School. Part of me is excited to be moving on to the next phase in my life’s journey, but the other part of me just wants to stay where I am. I have been able to make lifelong friendships and have enjoyed everything our high school has to offer – orchestra, cheering, football games, senior class president, and Miss Brookland-Cayce.

3.What season of the year is your favorite and why?
3. I am an advocate for community service. I truly believe that community service can make a big difference in everyone’s life, and anyone can serve. The act of serving the world around us makes this a better place for everyone to live. I always come away with a good feeling and great memories that I can share with friends and family for years to come.

4.What is your favorite movie?
4. I love water sports. Being out on the water is something I really enjoy. On most weekends, you can find me with my family hanging out at the lake. I truly believe my love of water sports came from my dad. He is normally the instigator of anything new that I end up trying.

5.What song makes you think of yourself?
5. This year, I had the exciting opportunity to be a part of “Students of Civility.” The program was developed by local politicians to bring exposure to the State House and politics in our state, and each local high school was allowed to select 2 students to take part. The opportunity allowed me to see what life is like in the State House during session, talk to members, and learn about what they studied in college.